5(five) open bowls, 1999
Cedar and graphite
103 x 127 x 43 in.
Galerie Lelong & Co.

P's & Q's, 1999
Cedar and graphite
82 x 57 x 57 in.

Bowl with Columns, 1999
Cedar and graphite
48 x 143 x 140 in.
Skulptur i Pilane

Bowl with Pleats, 1999
Cedar and graphite
74 x 64 x 74 in.
Hood Museum of Art

Untitled (Little Bowl II), 1999
Cedar and graphite
15.5 x 36 x 38 in.

Bowl with Folds, 1998-9
Cedar and graphite
144 x 192 x 192 in.
Detroit Institute of Art

egg catcher, 1998
Cedar and graphite
74 x 4 x 7.5 in.

Large Bowl, 1997
150 x 96 x 96 in.
Williams College Museum of Art

Paddy-Wack, 1997
Cedar and graphite
72 x 360 x 720 in.
Sebastopol, CA

ence pence, 1997
Cedar and graphite
89.5 x 186.125 x 72 in.
Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Doolin, Doolin, 1995-97
Cedar and graphite
83 x 212 x 77 in.
The University of Wyoming
Galerie Lelong & Co.

Finger Comb II, 1997
Cedar and graphite
41 x 18 x 7.5 in.

Lace Fingers, 1997
38 x 19.75 x 5.5 in.

Ocean Floor, 1996
Cedar, graphite and intestines
36 x 156 x 132 in.
DeCordova Museum
The Fabric Workshop and Museum

Hand-e-over, 1996
Cedar and graphite
32 x 288 x 396 in.
Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Floor Chessboard, 1995
cedar and graphite
117 x 114 x 1.5 in.

Comb with Bulbs, 1995-96
Cedar, graphite, and cow intestines
23.25 x 76.75 x 5 in.
Yorkshire Sculpture Park

for Ursie A., 1996
132 x 84 x 84 in.
T.F. Green Airport

Apron, 1996
Cedar, graphite, and stain
46 x 28 x 12 in.

Maglownica, 1995
Cedar and cow intestines
148 x 14 x 3.5 in.
University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Socks on my spoons, 1995
Cedar and tripe
194 x 120 x 16 in.
University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Untitled (earth spoons), 1995
Cedar, peat moss, and glue
122 x 140 x 20 in.
University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Slepa Gienia (Blind Eugenie), 1994
Cedar and graphite
36 x 168 x 1800 in.

Untitled (five fingered bowl), 1995
Cedar and graphite
70 x 96 x 36 in.
Orlando Museum of Art

Untitled (three baskets), 1995
Cedar and graphite
40 x 103 x 47 in.

woziwody mur, 1994-95
Cedar and graphite
74.25 x 75.5 x 32 in.

Hey Diddle, 1990-94
Cedar and graphite
140.75 x 73.75 x 5.375 in.

Finger Comb, 1994
Cedar and graphite
47.5 x 33 x 10 in.

5(five) open bowls, 1999
Cedar and graphite
103 x 127 x 43 in.
Galerie Lelong & Co.
P's & Q's, 1999
Cedar and graphite
82 x 57 x 57 in.
Bowl with Columns, 1999
Cedar and graphite
48 x 143 x 140 in.
Skulptur i Pilane
Bowl with Pleats, 1999
Cedar and graphite
74 x 64 x 74 in.
Hood Museum of Art
Untitled (Little Bowl II), 1999
Cedar and graphite
15.5 x 36 x 38 in.
Bowl with Folds, 1998-9
Cedar and graphite
144 x 192 x 192 in.
Detroit Institute of Art
egg catcher, 1998
Cedar and graphite
74 x 4 x 7.5 in.
Large Bowl, 1997
150 x 96 x 96 in.
Williams College Museum of Art
Paddy-Wack, 1997
Cedar and graphite
72 x 360 x 720 in.
Sebastopol, CA
ence pence, 1997
Cedar and graphite
89.5 x 186.125 x 72 in.
Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Doolin, Doolin, 1995-97
Cedar and graphite
83 x 212 x 77 in.
The University of Wyoming
Galerie Lelong & Co.
Finger Comb II, 1997
Cedar and graphite
41 x 18 x 7.5 in.
Lace Fingers, 1997
38 x 19.75 x 5.5 in.
Ocean Floor, 1996
Cedar, graphite and intestines
36 x 156 x 132 in.
DeCordova Museum
The Fabric Workshop and Museum
Hand-e-over, 1996
Cedar and graphite
32 x 288 x 396 in.
Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Floor Chessboard, 1995
cedar and graphite
117 x 114 x 1.5 in.
Comb with Bulbs, 1995-96
Cedar, graphite, and cow intestines
23.25 x 76.75 x 5 in.
Yorkshire Sculpture Park
for Ursie A., 1996
132 x 84 x 84 in.
T.F. Green Airport
Apron, 1996
Cedar, graphite, and stain
46 x 28 x 12 in.
Maglownica, 1995
Cedar and cow intestines
148 x 14 x 3.5 in.
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Socks on my spoons, 1995
Cedar and tripe
194 x 120 x 16 in.
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Untitled (earth spoons), 1995
Cedar, peat moss, and glue
122 x 140 x 20 in.
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Slepa Gienia (Blind Eugenie), 1994
Cedar and graphite
36 x 168 x 1800 in.
Untitled (five fingered bowl), 1995
Cedar and graphite
70 x 96 x 36 in.
Orlando Museum of Art
Untitled (three baskets), 1995
Cedar and graphite
40 x 103 x 47 in.
woziwody mur, 1994-95
Cedar and graphite
74.25 x 75.5 x 32 in.
Hey Diddle, 1990-94
Cedar and graphite
140.75 x 73.75 x 5.375 in.
Finger Comb, 1994
Cedar and graphite
47.5 x 33 x 10 in.